Monday, January 3, 2011

Senior Project and Group Exhibition

We will meet to plan the Senior Project Exhibition and Post Bacc Exhibition on selected days. Those participating must attend meetings. This is a directed group project with the goal of providing a supervised (and graded) professional exhibition experience along with the associated activities of promotion, installation, lighting, and exhibition reception.

Senior Project Requirements:

 Artist’s Statement - posted during the exhibition.

 Promotional statement about the exhibition - handed in to the instructor and sent to a publication of your choice.

 A scale model of your work to be placed in the space for curatorial activities.

 Active participation in curatorial activities prior to the exhibition.

 Participation in design and mailings for exhibition announcement.

 Active participation during exhibition installation, lighting, and preparations for opening reception.

 Production of the art work to be exhibited (this is done in Advanced Ceramics course).

 “How To Promote An Exhibition” - Each student will be responsible for research in a current periodical to find a promotional piece for an exhibition. You are required to bring the article or essay to class to share it during a seminar discussion. We will analyze what has been presented in each article. Students who are participating in the Senior Project Exhibition will be assigned one periodical and a one page promotional essay to be sent to them announcing the exhibition at The Gallery (J.W. Reitz Union). Images sent along with the written materials will garner you extra credit. You can also acquire extra credit by sending your package to the Gainesville Sun for publication in Scene Magazine or by contacting the new Art Reviewer for the Gainesville Sun (if interested ask me for her phone number).

 “Senior Project Exhibition Maquette” - For those of you who are enrolled in Senior Project or participating in the exhibition at the Media Image Gallery, you are required to create a maquette of the gallery installation you plan. The participating group will also be required to measure the gallery space, create a floor plan (noting: walls, windows, glass wall, columns, ceiling height, lights). The group will create a foam core model of the space which will be used along with maquettes of the planned art works to plan the exhibition design.

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