(1.) Each of the three studio projects you plan are to be proposed formally through drawings and/or a maquette. A clearly defined written statement describing the concept, aesthetic goals and technical or skill based intent is to be handed in to me as a contract at the beginning of each the project period. These will be reviewed and returned.
(2.) It is required that you complete all assigned chapter reading to prepare yourself to participate in Fridays weekly discussions. Lindsey will lead the discussions. Regular participation in seminar discussions will be recorded and factored into your grade.
I will do presentations and professional practices activities with you on Wednesdays to lead in to the Friday discussions.
(3). For BFA Ceramics majors the professional writing required includes all of the following materials. These will be presented with images on a CD in a jewel container at the final deadline. Each will have a separate deadline and will be reviewed and commented on. Expect to revise accordingly and place the updated version on the final CD/Power Point.
a. You must design, write and print a professional resume.
b. You are to write a one page artist’s statement about your current work and ideas. It is
suggested that you include information about your concepts, how you reflect these formally, design issues, processes used (forming, surfacing, firing). Please follow the information on artists
statements in the course packet and fill out the questionnaire before beginning to write this. It is required that this be double space and typed. To be considered for grading this must be handed in on time. Do not hand in your first draft. Rewrite this so that it sounds professional and well thought out. Each person participating in Senior Project Exhibition is required to post an Artist’s
Statement adjacent to work exhibited.
c. You will be shown how to design and use Power Point. We will also cover image information needed, formats for image identification. You will be required to hand in a sample sheet which can be used to identify your current portfolio.
d. You will be shown how to create a simple business card. You are required to design and create a card that coordinates with your resume design.
Your Professional Packet CD is to include: your resume, artist statement, images (labeled), business card. I ask that this be presented as a Power Point Presentation including labeled portfolio images, an business card image, and text pages with the artist statement and resume. In this format the business card would become the cover of the CD. Please carefully consider the layout and design of the show. If you do not have Power Point software please discuss other options with me.
Examples of the written materials etc. are available in the Art 4760C course packet which Target Copy has for each of you.
Special Study/Post Bacc students can choose to do the above or one of the following:
a. Grants – Find a grant you might wish to apply for within the next couple of years (i.e. The Albert Murray Scholarship for graduate students, Arts Council state grant for individual artists) and acquire the guidelines. You can learn proposal preparation, which supplementary materials to include, and design the slide portfolio.
Suggested book - “Grant Writing for the Arts: The Art of Writing About Art”, authors Hudson and Noonan Morrissey
b. Thesis – What is the written portion of the BFA or MFA Thesis all about? Learn how to write about your work and create an illustrated paper which represents you. Thesis papers completed by UF Ceramics MFA candidates will be used as resources.
c. Applications for graduate school or “The Job” – What is an excellent application, one that stands out from the rest?? Learn to write a letter of application, buff your resume, design an excellent slide portfolio, teaching philosophy (if applicable).
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