Your final grade for the semester will evaluate overall performance including: quality of artwork produced, timely completion, conceptual and technical development. Projects will be evaluated in a group critique and formally graded after the critique. Finished glaze fired work is required for all three critiques
unless otherwise discussed.
Grades – methods by which students will be evaluated
75% of final grade comes from > 3 studio project requirements (including research, preparatory sketches and maquettes, craft/forming, design/aesthetics, concept (focus and effective communication, completeness of effort), technical difficulty (forming process, scale, experimentation), individual voice. (25 % ea)
15% of final grade comes from > Participation requirements: in group critiques and an evaluation of your ability to critically analyze and state ideas about visual art.
10% of final grade comes from > Seminar requirements: Participation in and preparedness for weekly seminar discussions.
Attendance will be considered into your grade with more than three absences resulting in a grade drop. Please keep in mind that an outstanding student attends class regularly, is on time, keeps the course work schedule, participates fully in kiln firing activities as well as producing great art work.
A = excellent, distinguished use of concepts, materials, and execution
B = good use of concepts, materials, execution
C = average
D = marginal
F = unacceptable, failure. No credit.
A+ 100%-97 B+ 89%-87 C+ 79%-77 D+ 69%-67 F 0
A 96-94 B 86-84 C 76-74 D 66-64
A- 93-90 B- 83-80 C- 73-70 D- 63-60
Please note: A grade of C- will not count toward major requirements.
UF grading policy website:
Grade Values for Conversion May 11, 2009 and After
Letter Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E, I, NG, S-U, WF
Grade Points 4.0 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 .67 0.00
All projects must be completed on time to receive full credit. Specific due dates are stated on the class calendar posted in the classroom and on the class blog. Failure to complete any project on time will result in a drop of one full letter grade
The ceramic process requires that green ware be completely fabricated and detailed, then dried for an average of 7 – 10 days, depending upon scale and complexity. Please finish building all wet work on time for greenware due dates and manage the careful drying of your work so that you can meet all deadlines. Clay requires your regular attention to achieve good results. It cannot be rushed or neglected.
You must have work finished and installed before the start of class on critique days. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all work on time. Full participation by showing completed work during all critiques is required along with active participation through shared ideas and commentary.
A semester grade of incomplete will not be given for late work unless there is an excused absence involved. To be approved for an incomplete:
1. Students must have completed the major portion of the class with a passing grade of C or better.
2. The student is unable to complete course requirements because of documented circumstances
beyond his or her control.
3. The student and instructor have discussed the situation prior to the final critique (except under
emergency conditions).
4. The student will fill out the College of Fine Arts incomplete grade contract, which will be signed by the instructor and the chair and will detail the work to be completed and the date by which this must be done .
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